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“Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours [i.e. the Islamic Creed] that is not a part of it, will have it rejected.” 

Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.s.)


There are many terms today which have a power to change the balance in our societies and to redefine our political and security streams. Political abuse of Religion or religious mistreat of Politics is something we must count on in the time ahead us. It is so easy to judge when we do not know or when we have wrong knowledge. The ignorance is always the worst enemy to everyone, the evil step mother without any ethics. In short term, ignorance can help someone somewhere, in long period of time, it harms everyone everywhere.

The meaning of Bid’ah is deeper than we could maybe think. This Islamic concept is very controversial and reason of long debates among many Muslim scholars who try to reply on Bid’ah challenge or to set the adequate way of thinking towards it. It is stated that Bid’ah is one of the most debated terms in modern Islamic science but still not enough analyzed and explained to the public.


What is the simplest approach to  the Bid’ah phenomena? How we can understand it and how we can process its consequences  nowadays? There are so many questions regarding that but the answers are always up to the researcher’s interpretative potential.

Literally, Bid’ah is innovation, something which is made up, added and definitely not the part of the  basic Islamic religion as it was created at the time of Prophet Mohammad(s.a.v.s.). Bid’ah means all actions which are not made to please Allah(swt) and His Prophet(s.a.v.s.) but to displease. However, this is just a beginning of “hot topic” success because there are colors in addressing the Bid’ah place in Islam today:“Qadi Shawkani writes ‘In Islam there are two kinds of Bid’ah: Bid’ah Say’iah and Bid’ah Hasana. If a new thing opposes the Qur’an and Sunnah then it is Say’iah, but if it is not against the Shari’ah then it is Hasanah.” Hafidhh ibn Rajjab writes that Bid’ah could be easily understood through the distinction: if it has ground in Holy Qur’an or Sunnah or if it doesnt have. If it has any evidence in those two, it will be considered only as Bid’ah Logaviyya (linguistic innovation, verbal change ). Obvisly, the scholars agree about the fact that Bid’ah can be good (Hasanah), when it is not directed against Islam  and bad, when it is directed against Islam and then it is reprehensible innovation. There are some Islamic thinkers who strictly believe that any innovation is bad in its nature and that shouldn’t be even discussed. Bid’ah Hasanah is welcomed in Islam because it covers all good things which havent been in Prophet Mohammad’s(s.a.v.s.) time but which contribute positively to religion. According to Islam, person who does Bid’ah Hasanah will be rewarded as well as those who adopt it.

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So, I believe we must only focus on defining of Bid’ah  Say’iah because in current years, we are witnessing how Islamic religion is fighting with many Bid’ah Say’iah and each of them is pretending to be the right one and to overtake the core of religion. I am not referring here that Islam is divided and that Muslims dont know who or what  to follow but I want to underline the high alert of importance of  demystifying the terms and its outcomes. This is very significant when it comes to the growth of sectarians attacks within Islam and even  their poisoning of other religious groups, out of Islam.


 Bid’ah Say’iah is innovation regarding the religion which is not supported by anything from Holy Qur’an or Sunnah (Prophet Mohammad s.a.v.s. own way ):“Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim write that there was some companions talking and the Prophet was listening. One of them said: ‘I will make prayers (Salaah) all night long.’ The second said: ‘I will fast (sawm) all the time.’ The third said: ‘I will never marry.’ When our Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace]heard them say this he said: ‘I am the most God conscious of Allah (Ta`ala) than any of you. I pray (Salaah,) I fast (sawm) as well, and I do marry woman too. And who so turns his face from my Sunnah, cannot be of my Ummah’. ” In other words, anything which is not based on those two is considered as kind of bad Bid’ah, Bid’ah Say’iah or a road for a Muslim  to become a Murtad(non-believer):”A few examples of innovations, which cause a person to become Murtad:- A person claiming to be a Prophet, deny giving Zakaat. Perform Haj at a place other than the Ka’ba, or to introduce any other new belief which is in opposition to Qur’an or A hadith.”

There are scholars who make categories of innovations like Ibn ‘Abd us-Salaam (رحمه الله), a Shaafi’ scholar who  wrote in his Qawaa’id about five types of Bid’ah:”


  1. Al-Waajibah: Such as the study of ‘Arabic syntax which helps to understand the speech of Allah and His Messenger because the preservation of the Shari’ah is obligatory [waajib] and nothing comes to us except by that being from the foremost rank of the waajib. Such is the much needed explanation of what is difficult to understand, the codification of the science of Fiqh [Usul ul-Fiqh] and working to distinguish between the authentic and rejected traditions.
  2. Al-Muharramah: Whatever opposes the Sunnah such as the false innovated beliefs introduced by the Qadariyah, Murji’ah, and the Mushaabihah [and any other astray sect that has innovated something into the creed]
  3. Al-Mandub: Every excellent goodness that was not established during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet [for example], the gathering for the Taraweeh prayers, the building of schools, spiritual retreats, speeches regarding the praiseworthy aspects of tassawuf… and anything else done purely seeking the Face of Allah.
  4. Al-Mubah: Such as the shaking of hands after the Fajr and ‘Asr prayers, having an abundance of assorted foods, drinks, clothes, and a wide house…
  5. However some of the mentioned Mubah things can also fall into the 5th category which is disliked [Makruh] or even not preferred [Khilaaf ul-Awlaa]” 

 The Bid’ah concept in Islam today deserves great attention therefor it can determine the reasons for so many different views and divisions within Islamic Religion in a modern age. Some of them are even offering aggressive teaching, justifying it by  Holy Qur’an and Sunnah and it is far away from both mentioned but  typical Bid’ah Say’iah.

It is happening every day that Islam is corrupted by those who claim that only  them have the knowledge of Islam as it should be. We need to remember one thing what Prophet Mohammad (s.a.v.s.):“…my Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in Hell Fire except one sect. They (the Companions) said:Allah’s Messenger, which is that? Whereupon he said: It is one to which I and my companions belong.” [At- Tirmidhi]


The symbolic of corruption of basic Prophet Mohammad(s.a.v.s.) teaching is something which will move real Muslim from the core of his real faith and that is found in so many sectarians attempts to radicalize the concept of Islam generally. Those who state that they know Shari’ah Law and how it should be implemented are usually those who ruin and damage the picture of Islam:” For the Ummah as a whole, Bid’ah  hurts the spreading of Islam and Dawah for the sake of Allah. Honour killings (the killing of a daughter for committing fornication) is an example. There is nothing in Islam that allows a family to execute the Islamic Shari’ah their own way. There is a process for dealing with adultery, and for the unmarried person it is in fact 100 lashings, not death. People, ignorant of Islam believe that this is how our religion is and those guilty of this form of Bid’ah, in fact guilty of one of the worst of major sins, taking the life of a Muslim, are harming the way the non Muslims view Islam.” It is not death but it is almost like a death, 100 lashings is not something which is easy to survive and I believe that some scholars must start looking ways to implement positive modifications which will contribute to Islam because old ways of dealing with adultery arent applicable in 21st century either. Regarding those questions, it must be done something which could be accepted as Bid’ah Hasanah.


The occurring of many sects which call themselves  Islamic is also nothing else but bad innovation. The first example is Wahhabism which pretend to be pure expression of Islam as it used to be in the first 3 generations of Muslims. They base their understanding of Islam on Holy Qur’an and Sunnah but still they adopted a lot of Bid’ah in their religious practice. Actually, they are Bid’ah Say’iah by themselves:“The major difference between them is that Wahabis believe that Prophet Muhammad should be praised only as a human being whereas Sunnis show extra special care and respect towards the Prophet of Islam.Sunni Muslims celebrate the birthday of the Holy Prophet and arrange Meelaad. Meelaad is a form of gathering in which the Sunni Muslims get together and praise the Holy Prophet. The birthdays of Sufi saints are also celebrated with much dedication and enthusiasm. The day of their deaths are commemorated in the form of Urs. Wahabi Muslims do not believe in celebrating and practicing all these events which are very strongly rooted in Islam. Wahabis call these practices of events as unlawful and wrongful innovations. Wahabis also believe that this is as close as to shirk or polytheism and Sunnis follow the ways of infidel Hindus.Sunni Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad is Nur and still present in this world. Whereas Wahabis do not believe in using pious individuals as intermediaries when asking Allah as they consider it shirk or polytheism. “

However we look at, Wahhabism is a sect and that further means Bid’ah. The range of their extremism which seems to be a pattern for some sort of  terrorism is showing to all Sunni Muslims how they shouldnt follow this radicalized power-oriented group what claims it is based on pure Islam. It has been  predicted that there will be sects in Islam and that Muslims will be opposed to each others at one moment but the core of religion will remain the same no matter how many Bid’ah will be down the road.


I believe that political and security landscape dictate the shape of religious activity. The all conflicts start with lack of knowledge or with  the semi-knowledge.There will be always innovations, that’s how the world is going forward but as long as they are positive, they should be incorporated and accepted and absolutely rejected if they are cruel and oriented to denial of meaning of religion: love and peace.

The conditions for extremism are present in every single religion and any single sect. It is all about who interpret and with which purpose. Abused religion is the curse of our civilization, the sign that God didnt teach us to abstain from sins. But,  we still have a chance to reject bad  Bid’ah and to embrace good one  for a sake of the whole world. We are all in this together.



  1. Thank you Sam for an excellent, yet interesting article. God states in the Qur’an that He has completed and perfected the religion of Islam. “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (5-3). Knowing that all the Qur’an was revealed before the death of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would leave no room for anyone after the prophet (PBUH), Muslim or non-Muslim to add to this religion anything. With no doubt, Bid’ah is an insertion in the religion. I believe that there is no such good Bid’ah. All Bid’ahs are bad and evil. Prophet Muhammed stated in one Hadith what it means “whenever people introduce a Bid’ah in the religion, God would take one Sunnah (tradition of the prophet) away. Meaning a Bid’ah always cancels and replaces a Sunnah. People usually confuse Bid’ah with the means to comfort and help Muslims practice the religion in the best way. For example, some ignorant may think using the microphone during the prayer is Bid’ah.
    In any way, those who insert Bidahs in the religion always have an evil mind and plan to corrupt the average individuals, and lead them to serve their won interest. Such evil people would not only damage the image of Islam, but harm others, Muslims and non-Muslim.


    You probably think that being a Muslim involves praying five times a day, eating halal food, fasting during Ramadan, and traveling to Mecca once in your lifetime. And, for many Muslims, it does. But there’s a heck of lot more to it than that.

    Take going to the bathroom, for instance.

    Now it’s true that Allah doesn’t provide much bathroom guidance in the Quran, although there is this bit of helpful advice:
    When ye rise up for prayer … if ye … cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it. Quran 5:6

    Which tells us that that kind of thing is important to Allah. He cares about your bathroom routine.

    And so does Muhammad . He was absolutely obsessed with it. Here is what he had to say:

    Your Apostle (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) teaches you about everything, even about excrement. (1)
    So let’s take a look at some of the things that Muhammad taught about excrement.
    Before entering the bathroom, cover your head, put shoes on your feet, and say this little prayer: “O Allah I seek your protection from the male and female devils.”
    When going to the toilet the messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) would wear footwear. He would cover his blessed head and before stepping into the room, he would read: ‘O Allah I seek your protection from the male and female devils.’ (1)

    Enter the bathroom with your left foot.
    The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) would enter the toilet with his left foot. (1)


    You put your left leg in,
    Your left leg out:
    In, out, in, out, shake it all about.
    You do the hokey cokey,
    And you turn around.
    That’s what it’s all about!

    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Knees bent, arms stretched rah, rah, rah.

    You put your right leg in,
    Your right leg out:
    In, out, in, out, shake it all about.
    You do the hokey cokey,
    And you turn around.
    That’s what it’s all about!

    You put your left arm in,
    Your left arm out:
    In, out, in, out, shake it all about.
    You do the hokey cokey,
    And you turn around.
    That’s what it’s all about!

    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Knees bent, arms stretched rah, rah, rah.

    You put your right arm in,
    Your righty arm out:
    In, out, in, out, shake it all about.
    < You do the hokey cokey,
    And you turn around.
    That's what it's all about!

    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Knees bent, arms stretched rah, rah, rah.

    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Knees bent, arms stretched rah, rah, rah.

    You put your whole self in,
    Your whole self out:
    In, out, in, out, shake it all about.
    You do the hokey cokey,
    And you turn around.
    That's what it's all about!

    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Knees bent, arms stretched rah, rah, rah.

    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Oh, the hokey cokey, cokey.
    Knees bent, arms stretched rah, rah, rah.

    Any verse of the Qur'an, should be removed before entering the toilet. (1)
    Don't let anyone see you pee. (No one ever saw Muhammad do it — except for all those eyewitnesses who provided the glorious details about his peeing technique.)
    Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) states that,
    'When the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) would go to relieve himself he would go so far that no-one could see him.' We should make sure that there is complete privacy whilst relieving one's self; this is modesty that every Muslim should have. (1) [ Mo had a small willie]
    A person should be concealed from the sight of others when answering the call of nature. … How can anybody uncover in front of other people the ‘awrah (private parts) which Allaah has placed between his legs to conceal it and commanded him to cover it? (2)

    One should move and hide himself from others, as the prophet SAAWS only relieved himself when he was out of site. (2)

    Don't try to hold it [your willie] before prayer. If you do, your prayer won't count. (Allah knows who has to pee or fart and who doesn't, and he gets pissed off when he sees people praying when they should be peeing.)

    When the time for prayer comes and one of you needs to relieve himself, he should do that first … it is Makrooh-e-Tehrimi to hold urine/wind or the need to go to the toilet. One should relieve themselves first as the Salaah will have to be repeated. (1)

    Keep all of your clothes on until the very last second. Then take off only the clothes that are absolutely necessary while getting as close to the ground as possible. (God hates to see you naked.)

    'When the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) would go to relieve himself, he would not remove the clothing from his body until he was close to the ground. (1)

    A person should not uncover his ‘awrah (private parts) until after he has squatted close to the ground, because this is more concealing, as Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported:

    “When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wanted to answer the call of nature, he would not lift his garment until he had squatted close to the ground.” (2)

    Point your face in some other direction besides Mecca while pooping or peeing — but for God's sake don't point your butt or penis in that direction either. (If your toilet at home is facing Mecca, you're up shit creek, so to speak. If you're a good Muslim, you'll remodel the bathroom so the toilet faces New York, Rome, or Salt Lake City instead.)

    Facing or keeping the back towards the Qibla whilst going to the toilet is forbidden. We should take care of this at all times. If the toilet is facing the Qibla in your home then try and sacrifice some money and have it changed as you will be sinning every time you use the toilet. (1)

    “Your Prophet has taught you everything, even how to defecate!” Salmaan said: “Yes, he forbade us to face the qiblah when urinating or defecating…” (2)

    The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

    “When any one of you sits down to answer the call of nature, he should not face the qiblah or turn his back towards it.” (2)

    When you're doing your business, don't touch your penis with your right hand. Use your left hand to hold it while peeing and to wipe your butt after you're done pooping.

    (Don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.)

    The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said that,

    'None of you should hold the private parts with the right hand while urinating, or wipe with the right hand in the privy. (1)

    [T]he Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

    “When any one of you wipes himself, he should not use his right hand.” (2)

    [How about wanking?]

    Don't use the right hand for cleaning either. It's pretty much useless while in the bathroom.

    (I try to keep mine over my head or behind my back.)

    Do not use the right hand for cleansing (Istinja) as it goes against the Sunnah unless you have a problem with your right hand. We use the right hand for eating, drinking, shaking hands, reading the Qur'an etc. we should use the other hand for cleaning, holding shoes, cleaning the nose etc. (1)

    The Prophet’s wife Hafsah (may Allaah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to use his right hand for eating, drinking, making wudoo (?), getting dressed, and giving and taking things, and he used to use his left hand for other things. (2)

    Wash and wipe an odd number of times.
    Wash in odd numbers i.e. 1, 3, 5 or 7 times. (1)
    [T]he Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to wash his posterior three times. Ibn ‘Umar said:

    “We did this too and found it to be healing and cleansing.” (2)

    Do all your clean-up with just three fingers: the middle fingers of your left hand. (May take some practice.)
    Use the left hand middle three fingers for cleanings. (1)

    For an easier pee, try pushing on your left leg.
    Put slight pressure on the left leg it makes it relieving easier. (1)
    Pee sitting down. Whoever pees standing up will go straight to hell when they die. (Muhammad's nine year old wife, Aisha, swore he was a sit-down pee-er.)

    Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) says that, 'Whosoever says that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) would stand up and urinate do not believe them, he would urinate but sitting down … One of the reasons of the punishment in the grave is because of urinating standing up, Islam has given us a method to follow not only will you relieve yourself but you will be rewarded too. (1)

    Don't get any urine on yourself. If you do you, Allah will torture you in hell for it. As the Prophet of Pee said so well,

    "Most of the punishment of the grave will be because of urine."

    Once the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) while passing through a graveyard heard the voices of two persons who were being punished in their graves. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'These two persons are being punished not for something major (it is not difficult to be save from it).' The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) then added, 'Yes! (They are being tortured for a major sin) Indeed, one of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine… (1)

    He should be careful to remove all impurity after answering the call of nature, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned against being careless in cleaning oneself after urinating: “Most of the punishment of the grave will be because of urine.” (2)

    Females should wipe with the heel of the left palm, being careful not to separate the legs too much.
    The sister should cleanse themselves with the lower palm of the left hand and do not separate the legs to wide. (1)

    Males should hold the penis from the top with the left hand index finger and thumb, gently milking it until all the drops come out.

    When cleaning yourself, males should hold their penis from the top with the left hand index finger and the thumb. Gently work your way down (as if milking an animal) so if drops are left they will come out. (1)

    Whatever you do, be sure to get that last drop out. Force the little bugger if you have to.

    After performing urination, if you feel that another drop of urine will come, then it is wajib for you to perform 'Istibrao' meaning after urination to perform some act that would force the urine left inside, to come out . (1)
    First wash the front of the penis and then the back.
    First wash the front then the back. (1)
    In all of this, try hard not to even look at your penis. Looking at your own penis can cause severe memory loss.
    Do not look at your private parts as there is a chance of the memory becoming weak. (1)

    When you finally force that last drop out and you've washed your penis, front and back, wash your hands three times.
    After you have relieved yourself, wash your hands up to the wrists thrice. (1)

    Don't talk in the bathroom. If someone else talks, cough three times. (God doesn't like it when people talk while not fully clothed.)
    One should not talk in the toilet without absolute necessity but if a person outside is calling and does not know then cough thrice to make them aware. … When two people talk when the body is uncovered Allah (The Exalted) is displeased. (1)

    [A] man passed by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) whilst he was urinating, and greeted him. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him:

    “If you see me in this state, do not greet me, because if you do, I will not respond.” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, 346; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 575).

    The majority of scholars say that it is makrooh (disliked) to speak in the restroom unnecessarily. (2)

    Wipe your butt with your left hand, using at least three pebbles. But don't use bones or dung, for, as Muhammad said,

    "They are the food of the jinn."

    Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that he used to carry a vessel for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to do wudoo’ and clean himself after answering the call of nature. Whilst he was following him, he (the Prophet) asked, “Who is that?”
    He said: “I am Abu Hurayrah.”
    He said: “Get me some stones I can use to clean myself, but do not bring me any bones or dung.”
    So I brought him some stones, carrying them in the hem of my garment, and placed them by his side, then I went away. When he had finished, I came back and asked him, “What is wrong with bones and dung?”
    He said: “They are the food of the jinn.” (2)

    No one shall make "Estinjaa" without using three stones. … The prophet SAAWS asked his servant (Abdullah Ibn Masood) to bring him three stones for "Estinja", Ibn Masood RAA only found two stones so he brought him a piece of animal's droppings (dung) that was dry. When the prophet saw it, he threw it away and said that it is Najasah (impure). … "Salman was once asked: Your prophet teaches you everything, even how to relieve yourselves? Salman said: Certainly…. he forbade us from facing the Qiblah while doing so, from cleaning ourselves with our right hand, and from cleaning ourselves with less than three stones. (3)

    When you're done, wash your private parts with water. (Muhammad didn't have to do this, though, because his pee was special.)

    Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that, 'The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) went to answer the call of nature, 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) bought some water. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'What is this'' He replied, 'Water for cleansing (Istinja).' The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'It has not been made necessary (Wajib) upon me after urinating to cleanse myself with water.'(1)

    Watch out for jinns and devils. They like to hang out in bathrooms and mess with your private parts.
    [T]he Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'These toilets are peopled by Jinn and devils, so when one of you goes there say, 'I seek protection in you from the male and female devil.'' Meaning pray the supplication before entering the toilet.

    The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, 'When one of you intends to go to the toilet then recite 'Bismillah' a veil will be placed between the jinn and the parts of your body.' This should be recited before entering the toilet. (1)

    When you're all done, leave with your right foot.
    When leaving the toilet one should step out with the right foot. (1)
    After leaving, say a little prayer to the toilet god.
    Once outside the toilet read this supplication: 'O Allah I seek Your pardon. All praises are due to Allah who has taken away from me discomfort and granted me relief.' (1)

    When leaving the toilet, he should say: “Ghufraanak (I seek Your forgiveness).” (2)

    If you fail to follow any of these rules, the invisible bathroom devils will give you some sort of mental illness.
    We should try and learn these short supplications and practise them too. If we do not seek Allah's (The Exalted) protection from the devils, then there is a chance we can be affected with mental illnesses from the devils. We can not see the devils and when you can not see your enemy they are more dangerous. (1)

    So you see what I mean. If you follow all those rules every time you go to the bathroom, you won't have much time for anything else.



  3. Heya! I’m at work browsing your blog from my new iphone 3gs! Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward to all your posts! Keep up the great work!


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About Sarahowlgirl1982

I am a master of Political Sciences, with special focus on Security Studies, Islamic Counter Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction. I enjoy discovering and commenting things which are " in the air" but still not spoken.I also do like science writing and planing to move myself into the pure science journalism !